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Can A Shih Tzu Eat Oranges

Yes, it’s perfectly safe for your Shih Tzu to eat oranges. It’s OK to feed your dog the fleshy part of an orange as they are packed full of healthy nutrients including fiber and potassium. However, it’s important to not feed your dog too much orange as there are some potential health problems for dogs eating too much fruit.


In this article, we will answer some questions you might have about feeding your Shih Tzu oranges and a few things you should be aware of.

Article Contents

Benefits Of Feeding Your Shih Tzu Oranges

Oranges can be a healthy addition to your Shih Tzu’s diet. Not only are oranges a low-calorie, low-fat snack for dogs, but they pack a powerful nutritional punch. Oranges contain essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and fiber.


Vitamin C helps to keep your dog’s immune system functioning at its best while fiber keeps their digestive system running smoothly.


Folic acid is important for healthy pregnancy and growth while potassium has been linked to lower blood pressure levels.


All of these beneficial vitamins and nutrients combined make oranges a fantastic fruit for dogs if given in moderation.


Is The Vitamin C In Oranges Healthy For My Dog?


Unlike humans, dogs can make vitamin C naturally in their bodies so do need to have it included in their diet. However, there are many other nutrients in oranges that can benefit your dog’s health.

can shih tzu eat fruit infographic

For more information about what foods in general are healthy for your Shih Tzu, you might like to read our article: Shih Tzu Food List

Healthy Dog Treats

It’s perfectly fine to feed your dog fresh orange but some dog owners prefer dried treats instead. They are less messy and can be beneficial when training your dog.


If you do opt for dried treats, ensure they are a healthy option with no added sugar, preservatives, or additives.


There are many options available on Amazon that can be delivered straight to your door.

If you are planning on adding a variety of new vegetables to your dog’s diet you might want to read some of our other articles:


Can You Feed A Shih Tzu Orange?

Can You Feed A Shih Tzu Apple?

Can You Feed A Shih Tzu Strawberries?

Can You Feed A Shih Tzu Watermelon?

Potential Problems With Feeding Your Shih Tzu Oranges

Although oranges are fine for your dogs to eat and are not toxic like some other foods, there are a few things you should be aware of when feeding them to your dog.


If given in small amounts, oranges should not cause any problems for your Shih Tzu. However, if your dog is trying to lose weight then it might not be a good idea due to the high sugar content.


If your Shih Tzu is on a special diet due to a medical condition then please speak to your vet about introducing any new food to their diet.


As has already been mentioned in this article, oranges are high in sugar. Although a moderate amount of sugar is fine for your dog you should not give your dog unlimited amounts of orange.


Just give your Shih Tzu a few segments a day as a snack. Too much sugar can give your dog an upset stomach so start with a single segment and see how they react. If they are fine with one segment then you can try with a couple more.


Although orange peel and seeds are not toxic for your dog they can become lodged in the digestive system so you should definitely remove the peel and the seeds.

can shih tzu eat oranges

It’s also highly unlikely that your dog will like the taste of the peel anyway, but we all know those dogs that will literally eat anything you put in front of them.


As with any new food you introduce to your dog’s diet, if your dog shows any signs that the food is not agreeing with them then you should stop feeding them it to them immediately.


And as always if you are uncertain about feeding your dog a new food or are worried about a certain reaction to a food then you should see your vet for professional advice.


Can My Shih Tzu Drink Orange Juice?


Orange juice is a highly concentrated form of sugar and is not recommended to be given to dogs. Water is perfectly fine for them.


For more information on what foods a Shih Tzu should and shouldn’t eat please read out article – Shih Tzu Food List – The Best Food For A Shih Tzu

Correct Serving Size

As fruits are high in sugar you should limit the amount of orange you give to your Shih Tzu.


Although fruit contains healthy sugars that are fine for your dog to eat they should only be given as small treats.


Most pet nutritionists agree that treats should not account for more than 10% of your dog’s total diet.


As Shih Tzus are a small breed you should therefore only be giving your dog 2 or 3 segments a day.


IMPORTANT – Always consult your vet when adding new foods to your dog’s diet.

Further Reading

If you would like to dig deeper into all areas of caring for your Shih Tzu we recommend you check out the book bellow.

shih tzu complete guide book cover

Using interviews with 17 top Shih Tzu breeders, author and experienced Shih Tzu owner Molly Weinfurter has created an in-depth look at what it takes to successfully live with, raise, and train a Shih Tzu.


This book has a 4.5 out of 5 rating on Amazon with over 220 reviews.


Oranges are a low-calorie, low-fat snack for dogs and they pack a powerful nutritional punch.


Oranges contain essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and fiber.


Vitamin C helps to keep your Shih Tzu’s immune system functioning at its best while fiber keeps their digestive system running smoothly.


Folic acid is important for healthy pregnancy and growth while potassium has been linked to lower blood pressure levels.


All of these beneficial vitamins and nutrients combined make oranges a fantastic fruit for dogs if fed in moderation.

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